
Trolley Square is a unique, private property with historic significance located in downtown Salt Lake City, Utah. At Trolley Square we hold security and safety of our visitors, employees, and tenants to the highest standards.

Contact Security

Trolley Square Security is available 24 hours a day 7 days a week and can be reached at 801-534-0160. This number will give you direct access to security staff. Do not hesitate to contact us with any concerns, questions or issues you may have while visiting.


Conduct that is disorderly, disruptive or which interferes with or endangers business or guests is prohibited. Such conduct may include, but is not limited to:

  • Running, loud offensive language, spitting, throwing objects, fighting, obscene gestures, gang signs, skating, skateboarding, scooters or bicycling

  • Intimidating behavior by groups or individuals

  • Loitering, engaging in soliciting, blocking storefronts, hallways, skyways, fire exits or escalators, or walking in groups in such a way as to inconvenience others

  • Picketing, demonstrating, soliciting, protesting or petitioning

  • Distributing handbills requires the prior written consent of Trolley Square management.

Violations of the Law

Any act defined by federal, state or local ordinances as a criminal act is prohibited. These include, but are not limited to:

  • Graffiti, property damage, defacing, damaging or destroying any real or personal property.

  • Using or possessing consumer fireworks.

  • Weapons of any kind are not permitted on these premises.

Guns are banned on these premises.


Appropriate attire, including shirts and shoes, must be worn. Inappropriate attire may include, but is not limited to:

  • Apparel which has obscene language, obscene gestures, or racial/religious/ethnic slurs that are likely to create a disturbance

  • Clothing that deliberately obscure the face, such as hooded tops or masks

  • Bulletproof vests or simulated bulletproof vests

Service Animals

Only animals trained to assist persons with disabilities are permitted within Trolley Square buildings.

General Parking and Deliveries

  • Bicycles are to be parked at bike racks located outside throughout the property.

  • There is no overnight parking at Trolley Square.

  • For small deliveries, please use the 30 minute loading zone.

  • For larger freight deliveries, please use the delivery dock.

  • Documentation supporting the deliveries must be provided at the check point.

  • Vehicles with large trailers, semi-trailer trucks, box trucks, and any other over-sized vehicle must park in the back of the 600 south parking lot.

Photography and Videography

Trolley Square policy requires written authorization from mall management prior to video taping, filming or photography. Please contact Trolley Square management at or call 801-521-9878 to make arrangements.