Raw Epiphany Performance to Showcase International and Local Belly Dance Talent
Belly Dance Showcase Friday, July 7, Trolley Square
SALT LAKE CITY - The popularity of belly dance in Utah is a secret too well kept, according to the organizers of Raw Epiphany 2017, a dance intensive and performance that celebrates and educates about danse du ventre. That’s why a showcase performance is being held at Trolley Square featuring local and international performers on Friday, July 7 at 7:00 p.m.
“We began organizing Raw Epiphany to bring diverse international instructors to Utah to further cultivate our local talent and as a charitable fundraising opportunity.” said Aaliyah Jenny Cohan, Raw Epiphany organizer and tribal fusion dancer and instructor. “Too few Utahns realize that a locals-only festival here can draw more than 70 performing belly dance groups. We want the word to get out that we have a cultural mecca for belly dance right here on the Wasatch Front.”
TIckets to the show may be purchased at http://www.stephanieshimmys.com/events-2/ for $8 in advance or $10 at the door The show will be held at Trolley Square, 602 East 500 South, Salt Lake City, in the former location of “WISEGUYS.” Headliners include Jillana, Donna Mejia and Joseph Williams, as well as special guests, Aszmara, Lisa Zahiya, Preeti Patel. Other dancers include Jennifer Long-Pratt, Stephanie Buranek and Aaliyah Jenny Cohen herself. For more information, please visit https://www.therawepiphany.com/ or https://www.eventbrite.com/e/raw-epiphany-2017-tickets-26414459359